We try our best to educate you on your healthcare options. That’s our job. Check out what we’ve recently published, we’re proud of it.
We believe transparency is key to earning and maintaining your trust, so we want you to understand how we make money, without a ton of legal jargon.
If you enroll into a Medicare insurance plan (Medigap, Medicare Advantage, or Part D plan) from one of our Local Medicare Agent affiliates, we receive a commission from the health plan you are enrolled into.
When surfing our website,if you click on a link to a product or service and make a purchase, sometimes the company you purchased from will pay us a commission. It does not change the price you pay.
Our partners are best-in-class and we’re proud of them. Our biggest partners are:
We are also a member of the Amazon Associates program and we earn money from qualifying purchases you make that we refer. We mostly link to Amazon for stuff we feel you purchase cheaper there than from a company directly.
We also have a relationship with Ebay because every once in a while there are cool things that can only be found in some guys garage?
Do your affiliate commissions make you biased?
We don’t think so.
Pretty much every company has an affiliate program these days. Seriously. Just search a company with the phrase “affiliate program” after it. Since they all have it, we get to pick the best ones.
Some of the companies we talk about don’t have an affiliate program and that’s ok. We built our business on making relationships based on what we like, not the other way around. Life’s easier that way.
Even if you don’t sign up through our link, that’s ok, we love you anyway.